A True Deviate

Deviate (noun, dee-vee-it): old-fashioned term for deviant, a ‘person’ that departs from usual or accepted standards.
Dark beer lovers rejoice! We’ve got a new dark beer coming out this weekend in bottles and on tap (available Saturday, March 31).
Maybe it’s been the multiple cold spells we’ve had here in the Yukon this past winter that left us craving dark beers. This winter has felt so loooonnnnnngggg!
One of our favourite beer styles is an Imperial Stout. It’s strong, dark and complex. We currently have two versions, Erebus and Terror, which come out once a year. Our newest creation incorporates a special twist not often seen in a stout, the use of Belgian yeast.
A Belgian Stout is not a traditional beer brewed in Belgium, nor is it an official beer style per se. But that doesn’t stop craft brewers from being innovative. Like true deviants, craft brewers like to mix things up and push the boundaries of styles, so we’ve taken inspiration from some of the best.
Our version incorporates eight different types of malt to get complex flavours of chocolate, coffee, raisin and molasses. The Belgian Abbaye ale yeast ads prominent flavours and aromas of fig, prune, banana, clove and pepper. You will definitely want to enjoy this beer a little warmer like our other Imperial Stouts to let the flavours shine (8-12°C).
The Deviate Belgian-style Stout (8.5%) will be available in 650 mL bottles at our Tasting Room as well as through the Yukon Liquor Corporation. We also have one very special keg for draught sales in our Tasting Room, while supplies last. As always, we recommend enjoying it fresh as well as saving a few bottles to age and see how the flavours develop in complexity over a few months.