We're turning 1

We're turning 1

Wow. 1 full year. Time flies I tell ya. And how things change! We started out a year ago with the vision to brew once a week ourselves and open on the weekend to sell our beer.  And that was it.  Now look at us!  As of today we have 3 awesome team members and are expanding way beyond what we had originally envisioned.  And that's a good thing afterall.


We'll elaborate more about our expansion and new team members shortly, but right now we want to celebrate our 1 year birthday.  Come visit us on Saturday, June 4th from noon until 6 and celebrate with us.


We're releasing our popular Spruce Tip ale, and a new birthday Belgian Saison.  We'll also have prizes, givewaways, and tasty treats for everyone.


We came into this world crying, kicking and screaming, and now we feel a little more grown up at 1 year old.  That's not true, we're still young and have no idea what this crazy world has in store for us.  Come join us on the adventure.